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These are a selection of my favourite books. Hover over a book to see a brief synopsis of my comments. Click on a book cover for further details, or simply browse the bookshelves of my library.

A fascinating story of how mankind has tamed risk The rise of IBM and other great stories Guessing the future, up to 100 years ahead - a marvellous book, my personal favourite The story of the web, by the man who made it A very interesting and informative read about the makings of the internet The amazing story of Xerox PARC, where so many ideas were cultivated a look at how much progress we've made with computer vision, speech, intelligence and everything HAL stood for Henry Petroski looks at past failures in design and what we've learnt from those failures Nature vs nurture, the Missing Link, the age of the earth, evolution - all hotly contested in their day an excellent history of space flight the story of America's first Computer (but not the world's) the amazing biography of Charles Kingsford Smith, Australia's aviating adventurer! Nicola Tesla, scientific genius and a man to whom we owe so much America's battle to beat the Soviet Union to the moon! Simply the most authoritative footballing history book ever written. Out of print A haunting story from the 1930s which alerted the USA to the horrors of Nazism Simple lessons to a better life selected luminaries write about what THEY think is great about Britain Captivating recollections from hunting man-eaters in the Indian forests

The following are a selection of my favourite paperbacks, some of which are now out of print

Swot up on American History in a fun and informative way Wonderful tale of creatures who live in the Australian bush, my personal paperback favourite. Follow this link to the fans page! Words of inspiration from an Argentinian couple driving across the three Americas in 2003 Uplifting stories of an extraordinary priest in the Po valley in Italy A detailed account of the turbulent history of South Africa Wise words from Kahlil Gibran. Don't die before reading this book The authoritative work on India gaining independence exploits of a real-life James Bond! A first-hand account of travels through pre-war Soviet Union and fighting with the Partisans in Yugoslavia