scratch beneath the surface

IPWHO.EXE is a simple "whois" command-line program I wrote a long time ago. There are three ways to use IPWHO.EXE:
  1. run IPWHO supplying an IP name, e.g. www.bbc.co.uk. IPWHO will display the IP address represented by the name (sometimes more than one address)
  2. run IPWHO supplying an IP address, e.g. IPWHO will display the IP name synonymous with that address (if there is one)
  3. run IPWHO with no command-line parameters. IPWHO will display the local host name and IP address
IPWHO.EXE is a small (36KB) executable file, downloadable by clicking here. Fear not, there is nothing malicious about this file, it simply does DNS lookup to translate between IP names and addresses. It uses the WinSock library.
